Apparatus Training

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『Pilates』 has been very popular in Europe and the United States for a long time, and now, there is also a wave of “Pilates” trend in Taiwan.

The Founder of Pilates Exercise

Joseph Pilates is a German born in 1883. 『Pilates』 is the exercise named after his surname. In fact, he called his own set of movements: “Controlology”.

Joseph was frail and sickly since he was a child, and was even bullied, but with his own efforts, he reversed his congenital rickets, and finally integrated yoga, gymnastics, boxing, ballet and other movements to create a unique form of exercise, which is “Pilates” that benefit a large number of latecomers.

The Movement Principle of Pilates

In terms of exercise classification, Pilates belongs to “neural motor exercise”. Others such as yoga, Tai Chi, and gyrokinesis can also be classified into this category. This type of exercise emphasizes strength, timing, specific posture, or the alignment and relationships of the limbs.

Pilates sums up six principles of movement: “breathing, centering, focus, control, accuracy, and fluency.”

Introduction of Pilates Apparatus

The most amazing thing about Pilates lies in the various apparatus! With the resistance provided by the spring of the apparatus, it can bring you a whole new challenge with the movements of different body postures. For those who want to sculpt their body or increase their sports performance, it can bring unexpected results!

Trapeze Table


Combo Chair

Ladder Barrel

Spine Corrector

Short Story of Pilates

Comparison of Pilates and Yoga

Historyone hundred yearsthousands of years
Practice MethodsMainly divided into mat exercise or equipment exercise Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga, Hot Yoga, etc..
Central IdeasEmphasis on core muscle strengthening, and whole body movement integrationEmphasis on spirituality and unity of body and mind
DifficultyIt could be adjusted according to the fitness level of studentsIt could be adjusted according to the level of students, but the myofascial flexibility is much more challenging

Who is Suitable for Pilates?

The answer is: basically, anyone can practice it.

“Breathing, centering, focus, control, accuracy, fluency” This set of concepts is applicable to any exercise, as long as you want to start exercising, Pilates is a good way to start. Especially for people with physical injuries, Pilates is one of the best types of exercise to start with.

Joseph Pilates said:

If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.

Pilates Exercise Demonstration

『T-bar』 with reformer

It is suitable for people with unbalanced lower limb force, lower limb artificial joint surgery, and chronic ankle instability.

『Swan』on reformer

Suitable for yoga practitioners, it helps the connectivity of the spine.

【Course Fees】