Pilates for Scoliosis

“Scoliosis“ will cause obstacles to body posture and daily activities, which will affect the quality of work or life. But did you know? Pilates exercise training can bring many benefits to scoliosis!

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Lumbar Scoliosis X-Ray – Schematic

Pilates can improve Cobb’s Angle

Measuring Cobb’s angle (commonly known as scoliosis angle) is the first step in assessing the severity of scoliosis. A healthy spine is straight up, and when you have scoliosis, your spine is skewed in 3D space. Through X-ray shooting, we can know the degree of skewness of the spine in the lateral direction (coronal plane) of the body. The more severe the scoliosis, the greater the Cobb’s angle .

Pilates exercise can challenge the strength and stability of the spine in 3D space through different postures such as “supine”, “side-lying”, “prone”, “all-four kneeling”, “sitting”, and “standing” , combined with daily activity training, to improve scoliosis and reduce Cobb’s angle.

Pilates can improve the Angle of Trunk Rotation(ATR)

Using a “scoliometer” to measure the “Angle of Trunk Rotation” is the most commonly used method for quickly screening for scoliosis.

『Measuring ATR using a scoliometer – Schematic』

We’ll ask the student to stand and bending the trunk forward, then measure the ATR. If the angle of ATR exceeds “5 degrees”, we will suggest them to continue shooting X-ray and tracking Cobb’s angle.

ATR can be simply associated with the degree of inclination of the trunk in the direction of movement in the horizontal plane. We can also improve it through different Pilates movement postures combined with daily activity training.

Pilates can reduce pain


The pain in daily life is often caused by the “shear force” that occurs in the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems! Imagine that there is a pair of small scissors inside the body, cutting and hurting your body tissues intermittently. After a period of time, such tiny stimuli may cause inflammation or even degeneration.

Through Pilates’ body-mind integration practice, you are empowered to control your body more efficiently, and you can get rid of the pain gradually.

Pilates can improve the range of motion of trunk

We can imagine that the spine with scoliosis is like a hot air balloon that has not been filled with hot air. When the rising pressure is insufficient, it cannot fly against the gravity of the earth well.

Pilates exercise emphasizes “lengthening the trunk”, “expanding the depression of the body cavity”, and “enhancing core stability and control”. These Pilates exercise skills can help you learn to resist gravity and maintain better posture, which is the key to improve your scoliosis!

yellow hot air balloon on air

Pilates can improve the quality of life

People who suffered from scoliosis generally lack self-confidence in their body image. In addition to daily pain, it will also affect social life and self-confidence, and reduce the quality of life. But with Pilates exercise, pain and overall posture can be improved. As long as people are in good moods, their quality of life will also improve!

successful multiethnic business colleagues in modern office


Pilates exercises help the body return to better posture by increasing core stability, improving extremity flexibility, and emphasizing breathing power and trunk extension.

Finally, let’s review what are the benefits of Pilates for scoliosis!

  • Reduce Cobb’s Angle
  • Reduce ATR
  • Relief pain
  • Improve trunk ROM
  • Improve QoL

What could we provide to you?

『Healer Pilates Studio』 provides the concept and essence of “Pilates method” combined with “Schroth method”, and taking the advantages of both to have a better result.

With step-by-step exercise training, it will definitely help you day-by-day. Welcome to contact us and move forward together!