Oov was designed and invented by neuroscientist Daniel Vladeta. After completing his bachelor’s degree in anatomy and physiology, Daniel kept studying in neuroscience, molecular biology, and osteopathy. In 2008, he began designing and developing Oov, an assistive device for biofeedback. The OOV has an unstable base and can be used for activities such as sports training or rehabilitation.

In our OOV classes, we use it to engage your deep core muscles in different positions. No much equipments are required, we just using a yoga mat, elastic bands, small dumbbells and, of course, the OOV. When you properly activate your deep core and stimulate your parasympathetic nerves, you will noticeably feel your body become more relaxed, and long-term soreness can also be relieved.

This course is taught by Ken, who had worked in the Physical Therapy Center of National Taiwan University Hospital for more than eight years and accumulated rich clinical and teaching experience. I believe Ken will definitely helpful to improve your problem!

【Course Fees】