Course Fee

Fee Comparison

1 vs. 2
1 vs. 1
OOVPhysical therapyOnline Class
preferential price$2500$1980$1980N/AN/A
4 classes$10400$8800$8800$9500N/A
10 classes$24000$20000$20000$22500N/A
20 classes$46000$39000$39000N/AN/A
The course length is 60 minutes for any class, and the preferential price can only be used for the first time of the new student.

We do not provide credit card or mobile payment services, please pay the course fees in cash or transfer through bank account. Thank you very much!

Bank Account Information

Bank name: CTBC Bank(822) 中國信託

Account name: 熙爾彼拉提斯工作室

Account No.: 680540274046