About Us

We believe that true healing comes through the integration of the mind and body.

Our co-founders, Ken and Jane, have discovered the healing power brought by Pilates exercises. Through persistent practice, we become more and more mature in mind and body.

Inspired by our own experiences, we founded Healer Pilates Studio, and our mission is to help and empower others to heal themselves.

In our studio, clients of any age, or fitness level can discover the benefits of Pilates for body and mind.

Polestar Pilates® Taiwan Lecturer, Physiotherapist

Pilates, Gyrokinesis, Animal Flow-Senior Trainer

We are committed to providing individualized instruction to each client to help them develop a deeper mind-body connection and improve their overall sense of well-being.

We are passionate about Pilates teaching and are constantly seeking and deepening our knowledge and skills to better serve our clients.

In Healer Pilates Studio, we believe that everyone has the potential to transform themselves through the practice of Pilates. We’d like to invite you to join us on our journey and become healthier and much more passionate!